Hieronder vindt u de lijst met boeken die Geert Kimpen raadpleegde, wikte en woog in zijn research voor de roman De Geheime Newton.
De vet gedrukte boeken zijn boeken die de auteur in het bijzonder aanbeveelt voor lezers die meer willen weten en lezen.
Ackroyd, Peter. Brief Lives. Newton. Chatto & Windus, 2006.
Bardi, Jason Socrates. The Calculus Wars. Newton, Leibniz and the greatest mathematical clash of all time. Thunder’s Mouth Press, New York. 2006.
Bauer, Alain. Isaac Newton’s Freemasonry. The alchemy of science and mysticism. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. 2003.
Beverley, Nicola en Farrer, Len. Woolsthorpe Manor. A resource book for teachers. The National Trust. 2001.
Christianson, Gale E., Isaac Newton. Lives and Legacies. Oxford University Press. 2005.
Craig, Sir John. Newton at the mint. Cambridge University Press. 1946.
De Morgan, Augustus. Newton, his friend and his niece. Dawsons of Pall Mall, London. 1968.
Fara, Patricia. Newton. The making of Genius. Columbia University Press, New York, 2002.
Fauvel, John, Flood, Raymond, Shortland, Michael, Wilson, Robin. Let Newton be! A new perspective on his life and works. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988.
Gleick, James. Isaac Newton. De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam. 2004.
Goldish, Matt. Judaism in the theology of Sir Isaac Newton. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 1998.
Guicciardini, Niccoló. Newton. Alchemist, filosoof en natuurwetenschapper. Natuur & Techniek, Veen Magazines, Amsterdam. 2005.
Haddelsey, Stephen en Haimes, Susan. Woolsthorpe Manor. Birthplace of Isaac Newton. The National Trust. 2006.
Hafener, Graig en Lusitana, Donna E.. Sir Isaac Newton. The Gravity of Genius. Biography. Video. Greystone Communications, Inc. for A&E Network. 1998.
Hall, Rupert A. Isaac Newton. Adventurer in thought. Cambridge University Press. 2000.
Jakeman, Jane. Newton. A beginner’s guide. Hodder & Stoughton. 2001.
Kollerstrom, Nicholas. Newton’s Forgotten Lunar Theory. His Contribution to the Quest for Longitude. Includes the complete English text of Sir Isaac Newton’s Theory of the Moon’s Motion (1702) with commentary and analysis. Green Lion Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2000.
Newton, Isaac. Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John. Dodo Press.
Oxley, Chris en Neaum, Malcolm. Newton’s Dark Secrets. The first modern scientist and the last of the ancient magicians. DVD.Blakeway Production for BBC.
Poskitt, Kjartan, illustrated by Reeve, Philip. Dead Famous. Isaac Newton ans his apple. Scholastic Children’s Book, London, 1999.
Westfall, Richard S., Never at rest. A Biography of Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
White, Michael. Foreword by Bill Bryson. Coffee with Isaac Newton. Duncan Baird Publishers, London. 2008.
White, Michael. Isaac Newton. The Last Sorcerer. Basic Books, 1999.
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Aaron, Richard I. John Locke. Oxford Paperbacks. 1965.
Abbott, G. Mysteries of the Tower of London. Hendon Publishing Co. 2004.
Boyd, Stephanie. The story of Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2005.
Chapman, Allan. England’s Leonardo. Robert Hooke and the Seventeenth Scientific Revolution. Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol. 2005.
Clawson, Calvin W. The Mathematical Traveler. Exploring the Grand History of Numbers. Perseus Publishing.1994
Cooper Oakley, I. The Comte de St. Germain. The Secret of Kings. The Book Tree, Escondido, California. 1999.
Cressy, David. Travesties and Transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England. Oxford University Press. 2000.
Domson, Charles Andrew. Nicolas Fatio de Duillier and the Prophets of London. Arno Press. New York. 1981.
Dyer, G.P., The Royal Mint. An Illustrated History. Published by the Royal Mint, 1986.
Earle, Peter. Monmouth’s Rebels. The Road to Sedgemoor 1685. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. London. 1977.
Emsley, John. The Elements of Murder. A History of Poison. Oxford University Press. 2005
Gilbert, Adrian. The New Jerusalem. Rebuilding London: The great fire, Christopher Wren and the Royal Society. Bantam Press. 2002.
Goldie, Mark. John Locke. Selected Correspondence. Oxford University Press. 2007.
Hall, Manly P. The most holy trinosophia of the Comte de St.-Germain. The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles. 1983.
Halliday, Stephen. Newgate. London’s Prototype of Hell. Sutton Publishing. 2006.
Harwood, Kate en Wright, Joe. Charles II. The Power and The Passion. DVD.Just Entertainment. BBC. 2005.
Hedley, Olwen. Royal Palaces. The Pitkin Guide. 2005.
Hutton, Sarah. Anne Conway. A Woman Philosopher. Cambridge University Press. 2004.
Hyatt, Ph. D. Christopher S en DuQuette, Lon Milo. Sex Magic, Tantra and Tarot. The way of the Secret Lover. New Falcon Publications, Tempe, Arizona, USA. 2004.
Impey, Edward. Kensington Palace. The official Illustrated History. Historic Royal Palaces in association with Merrell, London. 2003.
Impey, Edward en Parnell, Geoffrey. The Tower of London. The official Illustrated History. Merrell in association with Historic Royal Palaces. 2000.
Moormann, Eric M. en Uitterhoeve, Wilfried. De klassieke mythologie in de kunst. Van Achilleus tot Zeus. Uitgeverij Sun, Nijmegen. 1995.
Inwood, Stephen. The Forgotten Genius. The Biography of Robert Hooke (1635-1703). MacAdam/Cage. 2003.
Jardine, Lisa. On a grander scale. The outstanding Life and Tumultuous Times of Sir Christopher Wren. Perennial. 2002.
Jardine, Lisa. The curious life of Robert Hooke. The man who measured London.
HarperCollins Publishers.2004.
Jerome, Fiona. Tales from the Tower. Secrets and Stories from a Gory and Glorious Past. Think Books. 2006.
Kelly, Rosemary. Crown & People. The Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland. Oxford University Press. 2001.
Leedham-Green, Elisabeth. A concise history of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.2005.
Lippincott, Kristen. A Guide to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Royal Observatory Greenwich. 2007.
Malcolm, Noel. Robert Boyle, George Pierre des Clozets and the Asterism: A new source. Abstract. All Souls College. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden. 2004.
Manley, Mrs., Memoirs Of Europe. Kessinger Publishing Reprints.
Martínez, Alberto A. Negative math. How mathematical Rules be positively bent. Princeton University Press. 2006.
Mead, Walter Russell. God & Gold. Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World. Atlantic Books. 2007.
Mollenauer, Lynn Wood. Strange Revelations. Magic, Poison and Sacrilege in Louis XIV’s France. The Pennsylvania State University Press. 2007.
Netz, Reviel en Noel, William. De Archimes Codex. De Geheimen van een opzienbarende palimpsest onsluierd. Athenaeum. Polak & Van Gennep. 2007.
Plaidy, Jean. The loves of Charles II. Three Rivers Press, New York. 2006.
Plaidy, Jean. The Pleasures of Love. The story of Catherine of Braganza. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. 1992.
Pointer, Michael. The Glory of Grantham. BG Publications. 1996.
Principe, Lawrence M. Georges Pierre des Clozets, Robert Boyle, The Alchemical Patriarch of Antioch, and the reunion of Christendom: Further new sources. Abstract. The John Hopkins University. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2004.
Principe, M. Lawrence. The Aspiring Adept. Robert Boyle and his Alchemical Quest. Including Boyle’s "Lost" Dialogue on the Transmutation of Metals. Princeton University Press. New Jersey. 1988.
Rule, John. The Vital Century. England’s Developing Economy, 1714-1815. Pearson Education. Longman Group. 1992.
Schwartz, Hillel. Knaves, Fools, Madmen and that Subtile Effluvium. A study of the Opposition to the French Prophets in England, 1706-1710. University of Florida Social Sciences Monograph Number 62. 1978.
Schwartz, Hillel. The French Prophets. The history of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century England. University of California Press. Berkeley. 1980.
Seymour, Henry Jocelyn. Ragley. Heritage House Group Ltd.
Sobel, Dava. With an introduction by Armstrong, Neil. Longitude. The true Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. Harper Perennial. 2005.
Swift, Jonathan. De reizen van Gulliver. Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 2004.
Swift, Jonathan. The journal to Stella. Echo Library. 2007.
Swift, Jonathan. Richtlijnen voor bedienden. Uitgeverij Heureka, Weesp. 1985.
Taylor, Kevin. Central Cambridge. A Guide to the University and Colleges. Cambridge University Press. 2004.
The Pitkin Guide. The Royal Line of Succession. The British Monarchy from Egbert AD 802 to Queen Elizabeth II. Pitkin Guides. 2005.
Towers, Eric. Dashwood. The man and the myth. The Life and Times of the Hell Fire’s Club Founder. Crucible. 1986.
Reveliyan, G.M. Trinity College. An Historical Sketch. Cambridge at the University Press. 1943.
Robson, R., Trinity College. Trinity College, Cambridge. 1967.
Tudhope, George V., Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, And John T. Desaguliers. Kessinger Publishing.
Vallance, Edward. The Glorious Revolution. 1688 – Britain’s Fight for Liberty. Abacus.2007.
Vermij, Rienk. Christiaan Huygens. De mathematisering van de werkelijkheid. Veen Magazines. Diemen. 2004.
Wilson, Derek. All the King’s women. Love, sex and politics in the life of Charles II. Hutchinson, London. 2003.
Wilson, Robert. The Houses of Parliament. Pitkin Guides. 2006.
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Baignent, Michael en Leigh, Richard. Het Elixer en de Steen. De wereld van magische, occulte en onbekende krachten. Tirion. Baarn. 1997.
Dobbs, B.J.T., The Janus Faces of Genius. The Role of Alchemy in Newton’s thougt. Cambridge University Press. 2002.
GnosticTeachings. Sex. The Secret Gate to Eden. Alchemy, tantra and Kabbalah in the mysteries of Adam and Eve. DVD. A Thelema Press Production.
Greiner, Frank. Licht op alchemie. Servire Basisreeks. 1998.
Hauck, Dennis William. The Emerald Tablet. Alchemy for Personal Transformation. Penguin Compass. 1999.
Helmond, Johannes. Alchemy Unveiled. Merkur Publishing, Inc. Salt Lake City. 2000.
Thompson, C.J.S., The Lure and Romance of Alchemy. Bell Publishing Company, New York. 1990.
Linden, J. Stanton. The Alchemy Reader. From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press. 2003.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Great Secret. Life’s Meaning as Revealed Through Ancient, Hidden Traditions. The Book Tree, San Diego, California. 2003.
Newman, R. William en Principe, M. Lawrence. Alchemy tried in the fire. Starkey, Boyle and the Fate of Helmontian Chymistry. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.2002.
Ogiluy, Guy. The Alchemist’s Kitchen. Extraordinary potions & Curious notions. Wooden Books Ltd. 2006.
Principe, M. Lawrence en DeWitt, Lloyd. Transmutations; Alchemy in Art. Selected Works from the Eddleman and Fisher Collections at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Chemical Heritage Foundation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2002.
Three Initiates. The Kybalion. A study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Wilder Publications. 2007.
Trismegistus, Hermes. Hermes Trismegistus. Pater Philosophorum. Tekstgeschiedenis van het Corpus Hermeticum. Tentoonstelling in de Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Amsterdam, 1991.
Van den Broek, R en Quispel, G. Corpus Hermeticum. In de Pelikaan, Amsterdam. 1991.
Wertheim, Margaret. De broek van Pythagoras. God, fysica en de strijd tussen de seksen. Anthos. 1997.
World Library. Staya Erusa. Find the book of knowledge. DVD. Staya Erusa Inc. 2007.
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Aaron, Rabbi David. Seeing God. Ten Life-changing lessons of the Kabbalah. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. New York. 2001.
Bartlema, Ruud. Mystiek van de Hebreeuwse letters. Bekking & Blitz.Uitgevers. Amersfoort – Brugge. 2006.
Berenson-Perkins, Janet. De Kabbala ontcijferd. Geheime boodschappen van de mystieke leer. Librero. 2005.
Berg, Karen. God wears Lipstick. Kabbalah for Women. Kabbalah Centre International. 2005.
Berg, Michael. Becoming Like God. Kabbalah and our ultimate Destiny. Kabbalah Center International. 2004.
Berg, Rav P.S. De essentie van de Zohar. Bron van kabbalistische wijsheid. Altamira – Becht. Haarlem. 2003.
Berg, Yehuda. The power of Kabbalah. Technology for the Soul. Kabbalah Center International. 2004.
Bindman, rabbi Yirmeyahu. The seven colors of the Rainbow. Torah Ethics for non-jews. Resource Publications Inc., San Jose, California. 1995.
Cecil, Alan W. The Noahide Code. A Guide to the Perplexed Christian. Academy of Shem Press. Aventura, Florida. 2006.
Charing, Douglas. De Tora. Informatie over het Jodendom. Callenbach.1993.
Clorfene, Chaim en Rogalsky, Yakov. The path of the Righeous Gentile. An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah. Targum Press. Jerusalem. 1987.
Coudert, Allison P. The Impact of the Kabbalah in the Seventeenth Century: The Life and Thought of Francis Mercury van Helmont (1614-1698). Brill’s Series in Jewish Studies 9. Leiden and Boston. 1999.
Dallen, Michael Ellias. The Rainbow Covenant. Torah and the Seven Universal Laws. Lightcatcher Books, Springdale, Arkansas. 2003.
Gabrielli, Alexandra. Kabbala, de complete gids. Synthese – Mirananda. 2002.
González-Wippler, Migene. Kabbalah for the modern world. Third Edition, revised and expanded. Llewellyn Worldwide. 2006.
González-Wippler, Migene. Keys to the Kingdom. Jesus & The Mystic Kabbalah. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota. 2004.
Kimpen Geert. De Kabbalist. De Arbeiderspers. 2006.
Kimpen, Geert. Stap voor Stap van Wens naar Werkelijkheid. Happinez. 2007.
Levi, Eliphas. Elementen der Kabbala. Of Het Boek der Schitteringen. Uitgeverij Schors. Amsterdam. 2003.
Madonna. I’m going to tell you a secret. DVD. Warner Bros Records. 2006.
Matt, Daniel C. De Kabbala. Het hart van de Joodse mystiek. Servire.2005.
Ouaknin, Marc-Alain. Mysteries of the Kabbalah. Abbeville Press Publishers.2000.
Sasson, Gahl, Weinstein, Steve en Kimpen, Geert. Een wens kan je leven veranderen. Kabbala maakt dromen waar. Uitgeverij Ten Have. 2007.
Smith, Howard. Let there be light. Modern Cosmology and Kabbalah. A new conversation between science and religion. New World Library. Novato, California. 2006.
Yochai, Rav Shimon bar. The Holy Zohar. The Book of Avraham. The writings, Teachings & Light of the Holy Kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yochai. A book of Healing & Protection. Pinchas. The Kabbalah Centre. 2002.
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Bijbelcitaten, meestal uit: De Bijbel. Uit de Grondtekst vertaald. Willibrordvertaling. 1978.
Katholieke Bijbelstichting. ’s Hertogenbosch.in samenwerking met de Vlaamse Bijbelstichting. 1994.
Baignent, Michael, Leigh, Richard en Lincoln, Henry. De Messiaanse Erfenis. Tirion., Baarn. 2005.
Baignent, Michael, Leigh, Richard en Lincoln, Henry. Het heilige bloed. De Heilige grail. Tirion. Baarn. 2006.
Cohen, Tim. The AntiChrist and a cup of Tea. Prophecy House Inc. 1998
Dudley, Dean. History of the First Council of Nice. A World’s Christian Convention A.D. 325 With a Life of Constantine. Kessinger Publishing’s Rare Mystical Reprints.
Gardner, Laurence. Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The hidden lineage of Jesus Revealed. Revised and expanded Edition. Fair Winds Press. 2000.
Sagovsky, Nicholas en Trowles, Tony. The Da Vinci Code is Harmless fun. However, it will thoroughly mislead people if they think it has something serieus to say about Christianity; which it does not. Westminster Abbey. 2006.
Schaup, Susanne. Sophia. Het vrouwelijke in God. Indigo.1998.
Siebert-Hommes, Jopie. De vrouw van de nacht en andere verhalen uit de bijbel. Meinema. Zoetermeer. 1998.
Van Schaik, John. Why Jesus didn’t marry Mary Magdalene. A short history of Esoteric Christianity. Floris Books. 2007.
Watté, Marcel. Bijbelse vrouwen in word en beeld. Tabor – Brugge. 1995.
Küng, Hans. De katholieke kerk. Een geschiedenis. De Bezige Bij. Amsterdam. 2003.
Livingstone, David. The Dying God. The Hidden History of Western Civilization. Writers Club Press. 2002.
Meijering, Eginhard. Geschiedenis van het Vroege Christendom. Van de jood Jezus van Nazareth tot de Romeinse keizer Constantijn. Balans. 2004.
Monaldi & Sorti. Imprimatur. Cargo. Amsterdam. 2006.
Müller, Henk. Homo in de Heer. Walburg Pers. Zutphen. 1994.
Patel, Mansukh. Jezus, nabije vreemdeling. Een filmserie over het leven van Jezus Christus. DVD.Stichting Life Foundation International. 2006.
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. The Lost Years of Jesus. Documentary evidence of Jesus’ 17-year journey to the East. Summit University Press. 1987.
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare en Booth, Annice. Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine. Jesus’ lost teachings on woman. How orthodoxy suppressed Jesus’ revolution for woman and invented original sin. Summit University Press. Gardiner, Montana. 2005.
Slavenburg, Jacob. Valsheid in Geschrifte. De verborgen agenda van Bijbelschrijvers. Walburg Pers. 2008.
Spalding, Baird T. De meesters van het verre Oosten. Complete Editie. Uitgeverij Sirius en Siderius. Den Haag. 1997.
Ziegler, Herbert en Gruber R. Elmar. Het Oerevangelie. Wat Jezus werkelijk heeft gezegd. Tirion. Baarn. 2000.
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Ashe, Geoffrey. The Hell-Fire Clubs. A History of Anti-Morality. Sutton Publishing. 2003.
Baignent, Michael en Leigh, Richard. De Tempel en de Loge. Van tempelridders tot vrijmetselarij. Tirion. Baarn. 1989.
Bourlard, Tristan en De Smet, Francois. The Scottish Key. An Investigation into the origins of freemasonry. DVD. SimonGo! Productions. 2007.
Burstein, Dan. Geheimen van de Code. De mysteriën achter de Da Vinci Code ontsluierd.
Uitgeverij Luitingh. 2004.
Churton, Tobias. The Golden Builders. Alchemists, Rosicrucians and the Firs Freemasons. Weiser Books. Boston. 2005.
Churton, Tobias. The Mysterious Life of Elias Ashmole, scientist, alchemist, and Founder of The Royal Society. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. 2006.
Cox, Simon. De Geheimen van de Da Vinci Code. Wat zijn de feiten en wat is fictie? Forum. Amsterdam. 2005.
Etchegoin, Marie-France en Lenoir, Frédéric. De Da Vinci Code Gekraakt. Spectrum. 2005.
Knight, Christopher en Lomas, Thomas. The Second Messiah. Templars, The Turin Schroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry. Century. London. 1997.
Lomas, Robert. The Invisible College. The Royal Society, freemasonry and the birth of modern science. BCA. 2002.
Lomas, Robert. Foreword by Wilson, Colin. Turning the Hiram Key. Making darkness visible. Lewis Masonic. 2005.
Mai, Klaus-Rüdiger. Geheime Genootschappen. Mythe, macht en werkelijkheid. Kosmos Z & K. Uitrecht/Antwerpen. 2007.
Marrs, Jim. Regeren vanuit het duister. De ware macht van vrijmetselarij, de Priorij van Sion, Illuminati, Skull and Bones onthuld. Tirion. Baarn. 2006.
Matthew, John, Bamford, Christopher, Godwin, Joscelyn, Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Powell, Robert, Bembridge, Paul, Prinke, Rafal, Gooodrick-Clarke, Clare en McIntosh, Christopher, introduced and edited by White, Ralph. The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited. Lindisfarne Books. 1999.
Taylor, Greg. De Geheimen van Dan Brown. Voor wie niet kan wachten. Wat staat er in zijn volgende bestseller? Greg Taylor licht de sluier op. Forum. Amsterdam. 2005.
Van de Sande, Anton. Vrijmetselarij in de Lage Landen. Een mysterieuze broederschap zonder geheimen. Walburg Pers. Zutphen. 1995.
Van Zweeden, Annemarie. Het mysterie van vrijmetselaars. DVD. Ikon. 2006.
Beaven, Derek. Newton’s Niece. Faber and Faber. 1994.
Brown, Dan. De Da Vinci Code. Uitgeverij Luitingh – Sijthoff B.V., Amsterdam, 2004.
Kerr, Philip. Dark Matter. The Private Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Three Rivers Press, New York, 2002
Keyes, J. Gregory Newton’s Cannon. Book one of The Age of Unreason. A Del Rey Book published by The Ballantine Publishing Group, 1999.
Landsman, Klaas. Requiem voor Newton. Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, 2005.
Stott, Rebecca. Nachtwake. Cargo, Amsterdam. 2006
White, Michael. Equinox. Van Holkema & Warendorf, 2006.