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Jose van den Diepstraten en Nath Naam: Jose van den Diepstraten en Nath
Plaats: Made
Mijn wens

'De mens teruggeven aan ZichZelluf', via onze NEM Academy, onze boeken, onze producties en OnsZelluf! Op naar de 700 studenten... naar volle theaterzalen... naar ons eigen tv-programma

Naam: Gerda Maria
Datum: 8 februari, 17u02
Reactie: Lieve Jose en Nath,

Moge jullie projecten de voldoening schenken waarnaar jullie vooraf ongetwijfeld hebben verlangd.

Moge ook jullie nog vele mensen inspireren en motiveren tijdens hun zoektocht naar 'zichzelluf'

Bedankt om jullie talenten via dit wensenboek met ons te delen.
Ik doe er op mijn unieke wijze wat moois mee en dat komt dan automatisch met versterkte kracht terug naar jullie toe ;-)

Liefs, Succes en Mega Big Smile van me

Gerda Maria


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Welcome to the wishbook

What is your dream? Be as specific and detailed as possible. You get exactly what you wish for. Describe it as precisely as you can.

Congratulations! You've now put your dream into words. Words have creative power. It has been written that 'in the beginning was the word'. The creative process has now begun. The seed has been sown, the seed that you will nurture until it grows into a powerful tree of life.

Now say your wish out loud. Just to yourself at first. Then to those closest to you. Then to other people you meet. Then let the world know and publish it in the Wishbook. Let other people react on your wish, let them inspire you. You can also give them feedback, and inspire them.

Meet the other participants. You'll find them in the alphabetic namelist.

You can also chat with other participants. Find friends and fellow travelers.
