Wensenboek tekenen / Sign wishbook

Hieronder kan je je wens invullen om in het wensenboek te plaatsen. Velden met een * zijn verplicht.

You can write your wish below. Fields with a * are manadatory.

Mijn gebruikersnaam / My username *:
Mijn e-mail adres / My e-mailadress *:
Mijn woonplaats / City and country:
Mijn leeftijd / My age:
Mijn profielfoto / My picture:
Mijn wens / My Wish*:
Eventuele commentaar / Comments:

Wij houden u graag in de toekomst op de hoogte. Indien u dit niet wilt, kunt u dit hier onder aangeven.
We would like to inform you in the future of new releases of Geert Kimpen's books.


Welcome to the wishbook

What is your dream? Be as concrete and detailed as possible. You get exactly what you wish for. Describe it as precisely as you can.

Congratulations! You've now put your dream into words. Words have creative power. It has been written that 'in the beginning was the word'. The creative process has now begun. The seed has been sown, the seed that you will nurture until it grows into a powerful tree of life.

Now say your wish out loud. Just to yourself at first. Then to those closest to you. Then to other people you meet. Then let the world know and publish it in the Wishbook. Let other people react on your wish, let them inspire you. You can also give them feedback, and inspire them.

Meet the other participants. You'll find them in the alphabetic namelist.

You can also chat with other participants. Find friends and fellow travelers.
